Friday, May 4, 2012

Reflection Perfection...

If I learned one thing in this project is that I CAN NOT focus the light on myself... I found this out through a lot of trial and error; however, I learned a lot about my thinking. I was trying to find a ton of reflections to view myself in. This made things easier once I was ready to take the picture, but it was really hard to find the perfect reflection.

My Life of Randomness

I liked this project due to the fact that I was able to discover the joy of photography. It brought me closer to my camera and allowed myself to see the great things that I CAN DO if I just think a little outside the box.

Family Portraits

 This project has taught me a whole lot about my patience(or lack of ). Out of all the lovely pictures I took, I was only able to print one. The pictures of my grandfather were too dark and they would not show up. I began to get frustrated and instead of persevering and trying again, I just gave up... I feel that if I did try again and had more patience, I would be able to have at least 2 more prints.